| Encounter |
Maternal Residence Address - Province
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Data Definition:
Maternal Residence Address - Province
Pick List Value:
Newfoundland and Labrador
Alternative Phone Number
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Data Definition:
Alternative phone number
Paternal Family Name
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Data Definition:
Paternal Family Name
Paternal Given Name 1
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Data Definition:
Paternal Given Name 1
BIS Encounter Submission Status
Genetics/Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM), Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Data Definition:
BIS Encounter Submission Status
BIS Encounter Type
Genetics/Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM), Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Data Definition:
BIS Encounter Type
BIS Aggregate ID associated with BIS encounter
Genetics/Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM), Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Data Definition:
BIS Aggregate ID associated with BIS encounter
BIS Person ID associated with BIS encounter
Genetics/Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM), Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Data Definition:
BIS Person ID associated with BIS encounter
BIS Address ID associated with BIS encounter
Genetics/Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM), Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Data Definition:
BIS Address ID associated with BIS encounter
BIS Person Name ID associated with BIS encounter
Genetics/Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM), Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Data Definition:
BIS Person Name ID associated with BIS encounter
COVID-19 infection (confirmed, suspected or probable) during hospitalization/midwifery care (Child)
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Pick List Value:
Yes, Baby with lab confirmed COVID-19 infection during birth hospitalization
Yes, Baby with suspected or probable COVID-19 infection during birth hospitalization
Baby's Sex
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC), Newborn Screening Ontario (NSO), Postpartum Child (PPC)
This variable is available for release but with restriction or approval from appropriate stakeholder.
Data Definition:
Indicate Sex of the baby on visual exam at birth
Estimated Date of Birth (EDB)
Antenatal General (AG), Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM), Non-Invasive Pre-Natal Testing (NIPT), Multiple Marker Screening (MMS)
This data element is available for request but because it's a quasi-identifier it can make the individual more unique in the population and hence easier to re-identify especially in combination with other variables. Categories/generalization and/or suppression might be necessary.
Data Definition:
Estimated date of birth as per ultrasound or Nägele's rule.
HBHC encounter transmission response datetime
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Data Definition:
HBHC encounter transmission response with date and time
HBHC encounter transmission_response
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Data Definition:
Answers as yes or no. Functionalty in background
HBHC encounter transmission_status
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Data Definition:
Functionalty in background 1) processed; 2) in progress or 3)Not to be sent. Consent not given
HBHC Child born to a gestational surrogate and/or entering into an adoptive family
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Data Definition:
HBHC Child born to a gestational surrogate and/or entering into an adoptive family
HBHC Client consents to share personal information and personal health information have been obtained
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Data Definition:
The client consents to allow disclosure of personal health information, and personal information for both the client and baby, to the HBHC Program at their closest public health unit.
HBHC Client consent to participate in the HBHC program has been obtained
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Data Definition:
Client consents to the PHU potentially providing postnatal HBHC services, i.e. follow-up phone call, home visits by PHNs and other staff.
HBHC Consent method
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Data Definition:
HBHC Consent method is verbal or written
HBHC Client consent to participate in HCD-ISCIS has been obtained
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Data Definition:
HCD-ISCIS is the provincial database for Healthy Child Development-Integrated Services for Child. Healthy Child Development programs include Preschool Speech and Language, baby Hearing, and Blind Low Vision. If the client consents, this allows the family’s demographics (name, address and phone number) and birth details (date of birth, sex of baby) to be added in the HCD-ISCIS database by your local public health unit. Clients will not be contacted by these programs directly without a referral.
HBHC Transmitted by BIS flag
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Data Definition:
HBHC Transmitted by BIS flag
HBHC Screen Stage
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Data Definition:
HBHC Screen Stage
HBHC Transmitted by fax flag
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Data Definition:
HBHC Transmitted by fax flag (yes or no) - defaults to "no"
ISCIS Postpartum ID Number
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Data Definition:
This is the number sent through ISCIS when the HBHC Encounter is successsfully transmitted
Maternal Maiden Name
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Data Definition:
Maternal Maiden Name if applicable
Email address
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Data Definition:
Email address
HBHC Birth type
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Data Definition:
HBHC Birth type
Feeding - BreastFeeding
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Data Definition:
Feeding - Breast or chest milk
Feeding - Breastmilk substitute
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Data Definition:
Feeding - Formula or alternative substitute
HBHC Referral
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Data Definition:
HBHC Referral
Pick List Value:
Child Protection Services
Lactation Consultant/Breastfeeding support
Referral - (Other) Specify
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Data Definition:
Referral - (Other) Specify free text 100 characters
HBHB Name of health care professional who completed screen and collected consent?
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Data Definition:
HBHC Name of health care professional who completed screen and collected consent
All BIS users who have edited the HBHC Screen in the BIS - User Name
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Data Definition:
All BIS users who have edited the HBHC Screen in the BIS - User Name
All BIS users who have edited the HBHC Screen in the BIS - Datetime
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Data Definition:
All BIS users who have edited the HBHC Screen in the BIS - Date and Time
HBHC Professional Title
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Data Definition:
HBHC Professional Title
HBHC Professional Title (Other)
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Data Definition:
HBHC Professional Title (Other) free text
HBHC Assessment Question
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Data Definition:
HBHC Assessment Question
Pick List Value:
Premature? (born at less than 37 weeks gestation)
Was the birth weight less than 1500g?
Was the birth weight more than 4000g?
Apgar score of less than 5 at five minutes?
Health conditions/medical complications during pregnancy that impact infant? e.g. diabetes
Complications during labour and delivery? e.g. scheduled caesarean, emergency caesarean, infant trauma or illness such as respiratory distress syndrome
Maternal smoking of cigarettes during pregnancy?
Maternal smoking of more than 100 cigarettes (5 packs) in her lifetime prior to pregnancy?
Maternal alcohol use during pregnancy?
Maternal drug use during pregnancy? Include information on illegal drug use and prescription drugs that impact on activities of daily living or are teratogenic.
Mother did NOT receive prenatal care before 6th month?
Is less than 18 years old?
Was less than 18 years old when first child was born?
Experienced a previous loss? (pregnancy or baby)
Mother and child do NOT have a designated primary care provider?
Does NOT have an OHIP number?
Did NOT complete high school?
Congenital or Acquired Health Challenge?
Maternal separation from infant greater than 5 days?
Father/partner/support person is NOT involved with care of baby/child?
Client cannot identify support person to assist with parenting of the baby/child?
Client cannot identify support person to assist with care of the baby/child?
Client or family in need of newcomer support?
Client has concerns about money to pay for housing/rent and family’s food, clothing, utilities and other basic necessities?
Client or parenting partner has a history of depression, anxiety, or other mental illness?
Client or parenting partner has a disability that may impact parenting?
Client expresses concern about their ability to parent baby/child?
Client expresses concern about their ability to care for baby/child?
Client’s relationship with parenting partner is strained? (evidence of relationship stress observed)
Client or parenting partner has been involved with Child Protection Services as a parent?
Client expresses that his/her child is difficult to manage?
Client’s response patterns are inconsistent or inappropriate to the baby’s/child’s cues? (evidence of inappropriate responses observed)
Parent(s) identified a risk factor?
Health care professional has concerns about the wellbeing of client and/or baby?
HBHC Assessment Response (Y/N)
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Data Definition:
HBHC Assessment Response (Y/N)
HBHC Assessment Response (A,B,C)
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Data Definition:
HBHC Assessment Response (A,B,C)
A - requires further assessment
B - client declines to answer
C - unable to assess
HBHC Assessment Response Note
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Data Definition:
HBHC Assessment Response Note
HBHC Assessment Organization
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Data Definition:
HBHC Assessment Organization
HBHC Address - Unit Number
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Data Definition:
HBHC Address - Unit Number
HBHC Address - Street number
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Data Definition:
HBHC Address - Street number
HBHC Address - Street name
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Data Definition:
HBHC Address - Street number
HBHC Address - PO Box
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Data Definition:
HBHC Address - PO Box
HBHC Assessment Date
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Data Definition:
HBHC Assessment Date
Baby Discharged with Mom Flag
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Data Definition:
Baby Discharged with Mom Flag
HBHC No Fixed Address
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Data Definition:
No fixed address, use hospital postal code to direct to local health unit. Add to additional comments if staying at a shelter.
Reason baby not discharged with mother
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Data Definition:
Reason baby not discharged with mother
Pick List Value:
Baby transferred to Pediatrics
Adoption (includes gestational surrogacy)
Baby discharged without mother
Baby remains under postpartum care (e.g. Care by Parent Room)
Baby discharged from NICU or Pediatrics
HBHC Destination Health Unit
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Pick List Value:
Chatham-Kent Public Health Division
Durham Regional Health Department
Eastern Ontario Health Unit
Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit
Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District HU
Halton Regional Health Unit
Hamilton-Wentworth Regional Health Unit
Hastings & Prince Edward Counties HU
Huron Perth Public Health – Huron site
Huron Perth Public Health – Perth site
Kingston, Frontenac & Lennox-Addington HU
Lambton County Community Health Services Department
Leeds, Grenville & Lanark District Health Unit
Middlesex-London Health Unit
Niagara Regional Area Health Department
North Bay Parry Sound Health Unit
Oxford Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit, St. Thomas site
Oxford Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit, Woodstock site
Peel Regional Health Unit
Peterborough County-City Health Unit
Renfrew County & District Health Unit
Simcoe Muskoka Health Unit
Sudbury & District Health Unit
Thunder Bay & District Health Unit
Waterloo Regional Health Department
Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Health Unit
Windsor-Essex County Health Unit
York Regional Health Services
Maternal Name - Family Name
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC), Multiple Marker Screening (MMS), Amniotic fluid alpha fetoprotein (AFAFP)
BORN collects this variable but due to personal health information (PHI) or sensitivity it is not available for data request.
Data Definition:
Maternal/Parent Name - Family Name as it appears on official maternal Health Card. If not available, full legal name.
Maternal Name - Given Name 1
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Data Definition:
Maternal/parent Name - Given Name 1
Maternal Name - Given Name 2
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Data Definition:
Maternal/parent Name - Given Name 2
Maternal Date of Birth
Antenatal General (AG), Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC), Multiple Marker Screening (MMS), Amniotic fluid alpha fetoprotein (AFAFP)
This data element is available for request but because it's a quasi-identifier it can make the individual more unique in the population and hence easier to re-identify especially in combination with other variables. Categories/generalization and/or suppression might be necessary.
Data Definition:
mother/parent's date of birth in the format of day, month, year
Maternal Primary Language
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Data Definition:
Indicate primary language spoken by mother/parent at home.
Pick List Value:
American Sign Language (ASL)
Central Khmer (Cambodian)
Gravida (G)
Antenatal General (AG), Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
This data element is available for request but because it's a quasi-identifier it can make the individual more unique in the population and hence easier to re-identify especially in combination with other variables. Categories/generalization and/or suppression might be necessary.
Data Definition:
Total number of previous pregnancies plus present pregnancy regardless of gestational age, type, time or method of termination/outcome. A pregnancy with twins/multiples is counted as one pregnancy.
Maternal Disposition Date
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC), Postpartum Mother (PPM)
This data element is available for request but because it's a quasi-identifier it can make the individual more unique in the population and hence easier to re-identify especially in combination with other variables. Categories/generalization and/or suppression might be necessary.
Data Definition:
The day/month/year of Maternal discharge from hospital or the day/month/year of Maternal discharge from midwifery care.
Newborn Name - Family Name
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC), Newborn Screening Ontario (NSO)
BORN collects this variable but due to personal health information (PHI) or sensitivity it is not available for data request.
Data Definition:
Newborn's family name
Newborn Name - Given Name 1
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC), Newborn Screening Ontario (NSO)
BORN collects this variable but due to personal health information (PHI) or sensitivity it is not available for data request.
Data Definition:
Newborn Name - Given Name 1
Newborn Name - Given Name 2
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Data Definition:
Newborn Name - Given Name 2
Newborn Date of Birth
Birth Child (BC), Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM), Newborn Screening Ontario (NSO), Postpartum Child (PPC), Postpartum Mother (PPM)
This variable is available for release but with restriction or approval from appropriate stakeholder.
Data Definition:
Infant date of birth (day/month/year).
Birth Location
Birth Child (BC), Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM), Newborn Screening Ontario (NSO), Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), NSO Diagnostic Evaluation Report Form (DERF), Postpartum Child (PPC), Postpartum Mother (PPM)
This variable is available for release but with restriction or approval from appropriate stakeholder.
Data Definition:
Location where the birth occurred (hospital, home, other, etc.).
Time of Birth
Birth Child (BC), Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM), Newborn Screening Ontario (NSO), Postpartum Mother (PPM)
This variable is available for release but with restriction or approval from appropriate stakeholder.
Data Definition:
Time when infant is born (24 hour clock).
Birth Child (BC), Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC), Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
Data Definition:
APGAR Score at 1 minute of age. Includes five components: Appearance (color), Pulse (heart rate), Grimace (reflexes), Activity (muscle tone), and Respiration (breathing), each given a score of 0, 1, or 2 (total score of 0-10).
Birth Child (BC), Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC), Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
Data Definition:
APGAR Score at 5 minutes of age. Includes five components: Appearance (color), Pulse (heart rate), Grimace (reflexes), Activity (muscle tone), and Respiration (breathing), each given a score of 0, 1, or 2 (total score of 0-10).
Birth Weight
Birth Child (BC), Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC), Newborn Screening Ontario (NSO), Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), Postpartum Child (PPC)
This variable is available for release but with restriction or approval from appropriate stakeholder.
Data Definition:
Infant birth weight (grams).
Gestational Age at Birth (weeks+days; calculated using EDB and DOB)
Birth Child (BC), Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM), Newborn Screening Ontario (NSO), Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), Postpartum Child (PPC)
This variable is available for release but with restriction or approval from appropriate stakeholder.
Data Definition:
Infant's gestational age at the time of birth calculated using "Estimated Date of Birth" and "Newborn Date of Birth" data elements in weeks and days.
Healthy Baby Healthy Children (HBHC) Screen
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Data Definition:
Indicate Healthy Baby Healthy Children (HBHC or Parkyn) Screen completion status
Pick List Value:
Completed and not sent to H.U.
HBHC Reason not Completed
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Data Definition:
Indicate reason that HBHC (Parkyn) Screen not completed
Pick List Value:
Unable to access - Language barrier – no translator available
Planned HBHC Screening in community (e.g. midwife)
HBHC Reason not Completed Other
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Data Definition:
HBHC Reason not Completed Other free text
Discharge Weight
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC), Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), Postpartum Child (PPC)
Data Definition:
Indicate baby weight at discharge (grams). Enter 0 if weight is unknown.
Infant Discharge Date
Birth Child (BC), Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC), Postpartum Child (PPC)
This data element is available for request but because it's a quasi-identifier it can make the individual more unique in the population and hence easier to re-identify especially in combination with other variables. Categories/generalization and/or suppression might be necessary.
Data Definition:
The day/month/year of infant discharge from hospital.
Antenatal General (AG), Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM)
This data element is available for request but because it's a quasi-identifier it can make the individual more unique in the population and hence easier to re-identify especially in combination with other variables. Categories/generalization and/or suppression might be necessary.
Data Definition:
Indicates the number of deliveries (including live births and stillbirths) where pregnancies reached viable gestational age (minimum 20 weeks). When completed postnatally, parity includes current birth for HBHC
PHU Name
Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC)
Data Definition:
Public Health Unit Name
Birth Hospital
Birth Child (BC), Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC), Labour & Birth Mother (LBM), Newborn Screening Ontario (NSO), Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), NSO Diagnostic Evaluation Report Form (DERF), Postpartum Mother (PPM)
This variable is available for release but with restriction or approval from appropriate stakeholder.
Data Definition:
The name of the hospital where the birth occurred if Birth Location =hospital. Includes all Ontario hospitals with and without birthing units and some out of province and out of country hospitals.